Canada’s Food Guide Digital Activity K-3
Kindergarten to grade 3 students learn about foods from Canada’s Food Guide using this free poster activity.

The Study Prints in your resource kit have an image on the front and a brief description with questions on the back. To use the Canada’s Food Guide Study Prints in an online learning environment, download the slide deck below. Using the slide deck, show students the Canada’s Food Guide images and ask the following questions to generate class discussion.
Before completing this activity, we recommend that you read the section "How to Talk about Food with Students" in the Teacher Guide.
Whole Grain Foods
- Do you see a food you like to eat? How do you like to eat it?
- Do you see a food you haven’t tried before? How do you think you might eat that food?
- Which of these foods are made from flour?
- Which whole grain foods would you eat in a bowl?
- Do you see something you could eat as part of breakfast?
Protein Foods
- Do you see a food you like to eat? How do you like to eat it?
- Do you see a food you haven’t tried before? How do you think you might eat that food?
- Which of these foods come from animals?
- Which of these foods are made from milk?
- Which of these foods come from plants?
- Do you see something you could eat as part of your lunch?
Vegetables and Fruits
- Do you see a food you like to eat? How do you like to eat it?
- Do you see a food you haven’t tried before? How do you think you might eat that food?
- I spy with my little eye something that is (choose a colour).
- What foods do you see that grow on trees?
- What foods grow in a garden, field or greenhouse?
- If you were making a pizza, what vegetables and/or fruit could you use for toppings?