Snack Possibilities Digital Activity

Practice math while learning about foods from Canada’s Food Guide with this online challenge. Students predict how many snack combinations they can create form the provided Food Picture Cards.

Slide that reads “Snack Possibilities” “Possibilities de collation”

To complete the Snack Possibilities activity in an online learning environment, download the slide deck and follow the activity description below. Wrap up questions are provided to generate class discussion.  

Before completing this activity, we recommend that you read the section "How to Talk about Food with Students" in the Teacher Guide.


Curricular links: Health and Life Skills; Mathematics 

Student supplies: none 

Format: class video discussion where you share slides (e.g., Google Meet)  


Activity description:  

  • Explain to students that the aim of this activity is to make snacks that include foods from two food categories.  

  • Show students a slide with a various Single Food Cards. They will try to identify how many snacks can be made from these foods. 

  • Next, show students the answer slide that indicates how many snack combinations can be made that include two food categories. 

  • Stations get more difficult as more foods are added in the first slide.  


Wrap up: 

Ask students:  

  • How did you predict how many snacks you could create with the food picture cards available? 

  • What was your favourite snack combination? 

  • Was there a snack combination that you haven’t tried? 

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